Monday, August 11, 2014

OoM Cool: Himpunan Solidariti Bantah Kekejaman Zinonis di London

h u m a n k i n d w i t h h u m a n h e a r t !

Seluruh dunia mengecam kekejaman rejim Zionis terhadap rakyat Palestin. Semalam (10/08/2014) seramai 150,000 umat manusia berhimpun di London, UK  untuk menyatakan sokongan terhadap rakyat Palestin. Sarah Colborne, Pengarah Kempen Solidariti Palestine di UK menyatakan bahawa,
 "We are here to send a message to our government that we are ashamed, we are sick and we are disgusted at the massacre in Gaza and the British government's complicity. There are people from different political parties and every section of society, people of all faiths and people of none, who say 'sanctions now, free Palestine'."

like palestinesolidarityuk 


 But, meanwhile in Malaysia some stupid assholes doing this!

SUMBER: palestinesolidarityuk

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