b e h o l d a g a i n w a h a i f o r e v e r a l o n e s e k a l i a n ! As promise, i brought to you the second stage of female fan World Cup 2014. Still useless, hopeless and know nothing about football. But, yet still manageable to fap. Haha. Seriously, girlz shouldn't go to stadium and watch football. Just stay at home and cook dinner! Bukan nak bias ke apa, cuma kalau pergi pun, hangpa cuma jadik bahan photographer saja. Setakat jerit-jerit, showing boobs, then color tubuh badan, itu adalah useless. Memang aku agak kolot dan tak kisahlah sama ada setuju atau tak. Ready munirians sekalian? l e t s w a t c h ! eh lupa plak. Babai Hengland, Babai Sepanyol, babai Itali, Hahah. l o s e r ! PART ONE KLIK SINI!
Sesungguhnya ciptaan Tuhan itu sempurna. Cuba bayangkan la kalau muka ni takda bulu kening. Huduh sungguh! Yet some of us still lagi seronok cukur bulu kening konon nak bagi lawa. Buruk lagi dok ada. Tiada bulu kening boobs pun tidak berguna lagi. *serius*